The Crystal Keys

The Crystal Temples

All over the planet at the time these crystal temples reflected the 12 Master Rays, connected to the Divine Source. 7 are the colours that make up the spectrum of Light - and the 7 rays are reflected in the 7 chakras. Yet in the very beginning this was a total of 12 and the 13th then the Master Key.....

The same is reflected in the Crystal skulls..... there are 13 Crystal skulls and they reflect the same colours as that of the original Crystal Temples.... Each Temple reflected the colour of the ray that it helped anchor in..... It reflected the frequency ray that the High Priest and Priestess of that specific Temple worked on..... And with this, then the frequency on which this specific Temple vibrated.....

Each High Priest and High Priestess of the 12 Main Crystal Temples had in their possession then one crystal skull and one crystal key. The two worked AS ONE.... Thus the female held the crystal key and the male the crystal skull..... Thus then it reflected the number 24 which then in turn reflects the master number 24 which is the 24 who sit on the advisory board of the Intergalactic Counsel and the Divine Source.

The main Temple of the White Flame’s High Priest and High Priestess where not only in possession of the 12th Crystal Skull and Crystal Keys, but also of the 13th Crystal Skull and the 13th Crystal Skull - both then held the ultimate MASTER KEYS. Not one of the 12 Crystal Temples could function, of the 12 Crystal Skulls and 12 Crystal Keys, reveal their secrets without the 13th Master Keys......

In the beginning this was not so vitally important, yet as first Lemuria sank under the sea, and Atlantis arose from the remnant it was decided that these keys would be safeguarded and only those who had the integrity and the ultimate trust of the Galactic Federation would be entrusted with the Master Keys......

Ultimately this proved to be an excellent precautionary measure, for in the end a lot of the High Priesthood fell under the spell of the Magi ..... Some were murdered for these keys - only three remained faithful until the end.....

At this time all the High Priests and High Priestesses of Atlantis have been reborn and each one will find the particular crystal skull and crystal keys will come back into his and her possession..... It will be that they are drawn to a certain part of the world where they then feel the impulse to go to an ancient site..... And will pick up crystal skull or be reunited with it.....

They will have in inner compulsion to find these and they will find that this time round they will have to prove themselves worthy of holding these keys and skulls once more. If they are unworthy these will be taken away and given to someone who is worthy of the High Priesthood once more.....

All of this is in preparation for the New Golden Age when the Crystal Temples will rise again!

All who have ears..... listen....

It has been decreed that that this is so!

The crystal keys come in the shape of Metratron Cube and was held in the hands of the High Priestess when she was in a deep trancelike state. This reflected not only the rays of the Temple that she was associated with, but the crystal itself stemmed from the galaxy or star system from whence she originated.

She would hold the crystal in the palm of her right hand...... she would sit in the middle of the Crystal Pyramid temple.... where a massive Crystal, the colour of the Temple was placed. This crystal was massive and tall enough .... The base part was sunk into the foundation and its tip stretched to the opening of the capstone of the Pyramid - indeed the capstone of the pyramid and the tip of the crystal were ONE AND THE SAME!

The top central chamber of the pyramid was considered off limits to all but the High Priest and High Priestess.... Here the High Priestess had a throne-like seat, carved out of pure crystal - the same colour as the massive crystal that emitted intense impulses of energy...... She would then sit herself in this seat and meditate. She would concentrate on her breathing and soon would be able to get herself in a total trancelike state.

Bu using the power of her mind alone, she could then teleport herself to whatever galaxy or star system that she wished to go to. Most of the time however she would choose to use the Central Akashic Records in the Central Hall of Wisdom that is with the Divine Source as here all records are kept of all creations since time immortal. Here the Ancient Wise Ones recide that work with the soul records of all souls that were ever created.... It contains recording of each soul’s history and the soul contracts that each particle makes at a given time when it is incarnating.... whether in this galaxy or elsewhere.

The High Priestess was consulted in all manner of administration of Lemuria and Atlantis, as well as by the ruling classes and other individuals .... although the Priestesses who served in the temple normally did the readings and consultations for the majority of the population ....The High Priestess only did private consultations in times of great upheavals where the people needed guidance and wisdom from the Divine Source on the business of solving their problems......

The crystal keys held within its codex the Blueprint of the planet, Universe and Galaxy as well as that of the specific High Priestess who held this in her hand. It was so powerful that anyone uninitiated into the High Priesthood would disintegrate when trying to use this powerful key to have access to the Higher Realms. The key enabled her to span dimensions, to travel through the Higher States of Consciousness to wherever it was she needed to travel to obtain the information.

While she was in this trance state no-one dared disturb her as it would have meant that she would not have been able to get back into her physical form..... In the outer chambers of the temple 12 Priestesses guarded the chamber..... here incense was burnt, beautiful music and song rose in praise to the Divine Source.... thus holding the vibrational frequencies so that this would help to keep the High Priestess safe in her trancelike state......